Welcome to my website
Welcome to my website
I’m a therapist, supervisor, trainer and coach. I’m passionate about my work and love my clients and students.
Trained in the humanistic Person Centered Approach, (Carl Rogers) I adapt my work to what is needed in the moment with my clients.
I offer deep transformation, using guided visualisations and creative material, as well as narratives.
I work in both English and French.
I’m a therapist (European accreditation-ECP), supervisor, trainer and coach. I’m passionate about my work and love my clients and students.
As a painter and sculptor, I find non-verbal means of communication important to offer to my clients so I have developed guided visualisation scripts and creative tools that embrace creativity to release each person’s unique potential.
Over the years, I have integrated them into my practice to support healing and deep transformational process. It’s particularly powerful in supporting therapeutic movement, when there are no words available, or when the available words become a ‘story’, preventing change or blocking access to new pathways and inner resources. This is often the case for people who have experienced body and relational trauma, or who find themselves paralysed within seemingly intractable organisational settings.
In 2023, I founded my publishing house, Hellotools, to create and distribute innovative personal development tools, designed to enhance self-expression and inner resourcefulness for both professionals and the general public.
A lot of my clients are therapists or carers. I offer individual sessions and group work online or face to face.
I like to consider myself as a midwife who helps my clients to become the person they fully are. It is such an honor to witness their deep transformation, work I feel privileged to do.
I have been facilitating Person-Centred Psychotherapy training programmes in France and the UK for over 15 years. I am part of the La Jolla Facilitation Team, which leads the First Encounter Programme developed by Carl Rogers in the USA. Established in 1966, the La Jolla Programme fosters personal and social growth through encounter groups, upholding Rogers' person-centred approach of empathy, authenticity, and unconditional positive regard.
Director of Temenos Education, I’m currently developing a new blended course on the Temenos counselling & psychotherapy program, and working in the ACP France European Certificate in Psychotherapy program.
I have a private practice in France and online where I offer Psychotherapy for teenagers and adults and supervision to individual Psychotherapy practitioners. I’m currently offering group supervision for psychologists who specialize in working with children and young people who have been orphaned and psychologists and support workers who specialise in working in an educational setting with children and young people who are living with autism.
A psychosociologist and consultant for 20 years, I'm also an experienced business coach. I co-founded Nakome with Helene Rollot, where I work with senior leaders and leadership teams within global corporations. I also offer individual and group supervision to coaches.

Recent publications
Psychothérapie centrée sur la personne et expérientielle (2021), pages 391 à 408
Chapitre 20. Perspectives de l’ACP dans les sociétés contemporaines et les sociétés émergentes
Fabienne Chazeaux, John Wilson
Trait d'union du collectif Carl Rogers No49 P15 2021
L''usage des visualisations guidées, un exemple d'intervention créative centrée sur la personne
Fabienne Chazeaux
When encounter becomes electric: an online group experience
Pages 299-307 | Received 28 Feb 2019, Accepted 16 Jul 2019, Published online: 19 Aug 2019
Fabienne Chazeaux,Carole Francis-Smith &Kate Dunn, John Wilson